In his latest book, "You Have the Power", he tells about his choice of voting methods. I have never fully understood IRV, and he does a good job here. Just short snips, or you won't buy the book.
SNIP..."Had we used instant runoff voting in 2000, most Nader supporters would have gone to the polls and voted for Ralph Nader first and Al Gore second. Since Nader.....wouldn't have finished in one of the top two slots, Al Gore would have been the beneficiary of roughly 60% of his (Nader's) votes....(Most of Pat Buchanan's votes would have gone to President Bush.}" END SNIP
This is interesting. In Florida in 2000 Nader got 97,488 votes and Buchanan got 17,488 votes, many of which were from the Jewish community in South Florida, which were very suspect on Theresa's butterfly ballots.
He further says IRV would "encourage candidates to hold a firm set of principles without worrying that their beliefs could make them unviable. It would allow people to vote for candidates they really want......thereby increasing both enthusiasm and turnout."