Mr. Bush,
I cannot support your policies in Iraq. I can no longer support you as President of the United States.
I feel that you entered in to the war in Iraq illegally. Only Congress can declare a state of war. You were given authorization by Congress to destroy Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. When it turned out that these weapons did not exist, you falsely claimed a link between Saddam the events of September 11, 2001. You claimed a link between Saddam and al-Qaida. You claimed that Saddam was a threat to the United States. You claimed that Saddam was evil and justified his removed on that bases. You decided that America should act as world judge of another human being.
You are responsible for the deaths and injuries of American soldiers in this illegal war. You are responsible for the killing of Iraqi civilians and children in this continuing fight. You are ultimately responsible for the humiliation, abuse and murder of detainees at the hands of American soldiers, government agents and contractors.
Your policies of aggression against other countries are causing the world to distrust and despise the American people and our government. You have caused countries that were friendly to the United States to distrust us and to refuse to cooperate on world issues. You need to realize that an attempt by the United States to dominate other countries politically, economically, or culturally is not morally valid.
Because of your actions on this one issue, you are not deserving of the support of the American people on the many other issues. You do not deserve support for your judicial appointments, for your education policies, Social Security reforms, Medicare and health reforms, and tax reform. You are failing to uphold the U. S. Constitution by your policies that limit and reduce guaranteed civil liberties, the right of due process before the law, the separation of church and state, and the legal right of women to choose.
You have stated that you are religious and that you pray to God. God must not hear your prayers, or He would have told you to stop this war. Or if He has told you to stop this war, you have not listened. I hope that God punishes you for your sinful actions in this war. May God have mercy on your soul.