Dear :pals:
Today, we surpassed the 27,000 mark with our online petition. The hand signed version of the petition has over 1,500, and more are rolling in hourly. We are nearing the conclusion of our petition campaign. There are still more than 30 hours to get the word out! Please go to www.ContestTheVote.org right now and click on 'Tell Others'. Then dump your entire address book. Dig deep! We can make 50,000 signatures by the deadline, which is 8:00 AM, PST on Jan 1, 2005.
This is crunch time.
Hand delivering the petitions to the senators by constituents will have an additional impact. We still need volunteers to print and deliver the petitions to senators in many states. If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know. Send us an email with “Volunteer” in the subject line and your contact information (name, address, phone, email address) in the body of the email.
We are continuing our efforts to coordinate with other groups. If you are organizing a rally or related event, please let us know. We will list it on our web site and send out a mailing to people in your area.
Contest the Vote is turning up all over. Grassroots participation has been strong, with people collecting signatures at rallies and events around the country. We’ve gotten lots of coverage, including airtime on Air America. Much thanks to all who have helped get our site listed on hundreds of sites and blogs online. We are now listed on over 500 different web pages, including the front page of Michael Moore’s site. Not bad for 3 weeks’ work!
Thank you for your support in keeping kitchen table activism alive.
Maegan Prentice www.ContestTheVote.org ContactUs@ContestTheVote.org