Here's the letter I sent to my newspaper:
I would like to share some thoughts with those who are in favor of the privatization of Social Security. President Bush wants you to take part of your Social Security taxes and invest it yourself in the stock market.
If you think this is a good idea, I ask you this: Have you given any thought to the fact that putting several trillion dollars of new money into the stock market in short time period will cause a bubble and crash that will make the 1929 crash look like a dress rehearsal? Do you have the faintest idea what that much new cash would do to valuations? Remember the 1990’s when everyone decided that P/E ratios were no longer relevant? Well, they were wrong, and the market crashed.
The operative word in Social Security is “SECURITY”. There is no security in the stock market. Any private investment can go to zero overnight. It is required by law that all mutual funds and other investment advertising tell prospective clients that “past performance is no guarantee of future returns.” The operative phrase there is “no guarantee”. There is no guarantee in the stock market, and in general, people are pretty bad at investing their own money. It would be immoral and irresponsible to take the only secure old age income most Americans have and put it into an insecure vehicle.
Finally, do you have the faintest idea what the additional borrowing of $1-$2 trillion will do to our financial markets? Already, foreign governments are the major holders of U.S. Government debt. Already, the dollar is plunging because that debt is so high. Do foreign governments really want to loan us another trillion or two? Probably not. Most likely they will lose confidence in the fiscal responsibility of the U.S. altogether, pull out the money they’ve already lent us, and cause our financial system to crash before the private accounts can even be set up!
Franklin Roosevelt instituted Social Security to protect senior citizens who had lost everything in the 1929 stock market crash. Do we really want to take that same money now and put it back into the stock market? Those who refuse to learn from history are forced to repeat it. Let’s not repeat that lesson, please. I urge you to contact your congressman and tell him NOT to privatize Social Security.