Rape, torture, murder, war crimes, and treason – your government at work
by Justin Raimondo
If 2003 was the year of the liars, as I opined last year, then 2004 was the year of the war criminals, starting with Time magazine's designated Man of the Year, criminal-in-chief George W. Bush. It was Bush who presided over the torture and abuse not only at Abu Ghraib but in U.S.-run dungeons from Guantanamo to Afghanistan – and spare me the cries of protest that he didn't know, and Abu Ghraib was an "isolated incident."
To begin with, he did know. Thanks to a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, the president's personal responsibility in this disgusting saga has been revealed, along with the existence of FBI internal memos and other material that cite a previously unknown Executive Order authorizing torture at Abu Ghraib and other prison facilities.
Bush, the Janus-faced ruler of an empire of hypocrites, loudly announces a "global democratic revolution" even as he whispers to subordinates that torture is okay: he's a liar and a criminal.