the idea isn't necessarily to remove a "liberal press," it's to remove an actor that claims any "objectivity," all together. They don't want an objective press, (even if the press could be objective) they simply want varying degrees of subjectivity and opinion to dislodge "reality," because most of history, science and American political thought run contrary to their fantasy existence.
Remember -- on the higher level -- the notion of "objectivity" is part of modernity. These people believe that modernity is bad, because 1. It takes away from God, and 2. It lessens the ability for people to claim noble birthright, superiority according to race or culture, or anything else superstitious and arbitrary that the right wing believes to be true and 3. it defies the notion of sex roles, which is very important to male superiority and patriarchal rule.
It is said that all battles are not between the people, but the intellectuals of any given societal conflict. It is the truth -- Bush is but an actor, a profiteer in some sense. To the complete obliviousness of the average freeptard, he or she is being controlled and "messaged" by the intellectual right-wing, which includes the Catholic hard right and outfits such as the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage foundation (people often identify Cato with this group, but truthfully, Cato and Mises are goddamn Marxists compared to the other groups -- the central difference being libertarianism v. authoritarianism and colonialism), all the while being convinced that it is only the liberals who look down on them from Ivory towers. The right quite readily identifies and takes stock of their plebs (Free Republic), and uses their numbers and their reactionary tendencies and totalitarian mindsets to further the goals of the nobility -- and YES this would be the same notion of nobility that ruled the very country that we revolted AGAINST to form the United States (commingling with the Dominionist narrative of God "blessing the rich with plenty" and that those who are rich are "deserving" is also a perfect combinatory narrative to accompany this).
Remember the Suskind article where the Bush aide claimed that they are "history's actors" and basically that the age of empiricism and enlightenment had run its course -- that is EXACTLY what he meant. Those we are fighting against, to the complete ignorance of the DLC, the DNC and the Republican appeasers, is the true goal -- and the attempt to basically "assasinate" Dan Rather, IMHO will be seen as roughly the shot heard round the world, comparable to Paul Revere or Archduke Ferdinand lore -- it was the moment the right scored, in some sense, it's largest political victory -- even larger than the re-election of the Turd-in-Chief. It was the moment they killed modernity.
Bet on it.