Edited on Sun Jan-02-05 06:36 PM by housewolf
For the most part, we (the left) has tended to poo-poo this issue, just sort of rolling our eyes with their every attack, not realizing there was any reality to it (sort of like the US did with the al queda attacks over the years). We've just sort of said to ourselves "oh, it's just those rw fundies, those crazies again..." and gone on about our merry ways, blind to their idea, goals and power accumulation.
They have attacked us time and time again - most recently with the "stealing Christmas" flack - and we just sit and wonder what the heck they're doing, how do they come up with this stuff? We need to realize that this type of thing is a direct, planned, strategized tactic in what they call the culture war and we need to figure out how to fight in this war.
It's time we get ourselves together, take stock of them as an advesary engage with them on this basis. I agree that there are more of us and that is to our advantage but we can't win if we don't fight. It's kind of like the lottery - you can't win if you don't play.
Framing the language, as has been discussed here and within the party over the past couple of months, is one tactic to use, once we all learn how to use it. What are some other tactics we can use?