What is the Super Bowl hype? It's fake birthday cake candles, the ones that never blow out.
It's the football Lucy always holds, then pulls away from Charlie Brown.
It's the carrot in front of the donkey that never quite reaches it's mouth.
It's the "sightings" of bigfoot that never pan out.
I think you get the idea by now.
Super Bowl:
Every year a new team wins the Super Bowl(usually).
This new powerhouse almost never repeats or goes back in this modern age (unless it makes significant changes).
The Super Bowl winner always has 1 unique power - wether it's a strong offense, a crushing defense, or an unbeatable quarterback.
In the offseason, teams always try to mimmick that unique power of the winning team. the NLF teams scramble flurry and haste into trying to forge their teams into the mold of the recent Super Bowl winner.
By the time the next Super Bowl is over, there is a new winner. But that is usually won with a different style of strength than the previous winner. The teams that ignored their hidden strengths, and that scrambled to immitate the last winner usually fail.
It's an eerie pattern.
Can we beat the Repubs on morals? I think it's impossible with the current media setup. The dems have no ability to get out their message to America. The repubs have all of cable news, all of the radio dial, and now sattelite TV.
Can the dems even compete with the repubs in terms of money? No. How can you when the repubs sell out the environment to every corporation there is?
Should we or can we transform ourselves into the moral party when the dems are pro choice, pro gay, and we go against all those kooks voting for anti-abortion and anti-gay?
Hell no.
Do we become the NLF pretenders and mock the winner even though those beliefs go against everything in our hearts and our strenghts?
What we do is we develop our own strengths. We support the middle man and the poor. We support those who are sick. We support workers,medical and abortion rights. We support the environment. We support a reasonable foriegn policy. We support asistance in getting an education. We support science and stem cell research. We support America. We give it the support and foundation it needs so people have the *freedom to practice their values*
I say we end it folks.
I say we end it all.
I am not going to be a god damn pretender. I am not going to morph into somehting im not
I am going to build on our strengths*.
We end it. We end all the bullshit. We develop our strenghts. We instruct our politicians to do this:
we drop the money
we drop the fancy cars
we start wearing cheap suits and watches*
we donate money for expensive offices, cars, and clothing to charity*
we hold damn bake sales*
we go door to door*
we bring it down. We bring it all back down to the rural politican travelling in the POS car, with his POS suticase, with his POS hairpiece. We make ourselves WHO WE ARE. The good old common sense politicians who support America instead of glomming onto expensive fashions, cars and so forth.
We drop all the money in our party, as much as we can. We donate it to charity to put our money where our morals are. We make half of the DNC donations go to non-religious charities.
Im a moderate democrat. I support gun rights, I think marriage is between a man and a woman ( but I think gays should have the same protections). So all this talk isn't coming from some die hard liberal.
our politicians should drive around in crappy cars. Im talking Clark Griswald station wagons. Show that we are not above the people. Show rural America we are with them, for them, and not against them.
Do you guys want to scramble scrape and panic into immitating the Superbowl winner who had the best defense in the league, or do you want to develop our own freakish quarterback who has the potential to win big games down the road?
Whats the biggest complaint from Americans concerning politicians wether DNC or RNC?
" aw all the money they make. they are out of touch"
" they will say anything to get elected"
" they dont have our backs"
" it's all bullshit, it all ends up the same anyway"
" they dont know what its like "
" same shit different day"
" it doesnt matter who gets elected, it never make a difference anyway"
It's simple. It's as simple as you can possibly get. Why worry about the inside game, when you can change the game from the outside? When you can change peoples perceptions for 100 years? People......fuck playing the inside game. That's for the fools. Thats for the masochists.
Lets take it outside.
If we change the very perception of modern day mega bucks politics instead of squabbling within, we can take hold of this thing for forever.
What do you think most poeple in middle America think when they see the politician drive by in his fancy car, expensive cuff links, expensive suit and haircut? They feel envious. They feel jealous, maybe spiteful regardless of wether they agree with them or not. Thats a core issue. That's an issue we need to exploit. We need to get into that. That's our goal. Want the rural voters? Drop the icing on the cake. Drop the grand spectacle. Contrast us dems with the corporate sellout, trough feeding GOP.
This morals issue is last years Super Bowl winner. Imitate or innovate?
It's up to you.
press: Mr. . Smith(D), why dont you have more than one campign commercial?
Mr. Smith: The money was donated to a charity for sick children . ( we then see Mr. Smith drive off in an older model car with some rust)
expose. contrast. define. win.