can even overwhelm the founding fathers with their lying....i doubt that anything like a majority of voters has ignored old ben's advice...the bushevik lies are a house of cards ready to topple if we only keep confronting the liars.... btw sam donaldson, kookie roberts, pj o'rourk, william f buckley are just a few of the big mouth ratfink bastards of mass media who have fled to their secret hideouts to watch bushinc and shit themselves in terror at the realization that it was mediawhores just like them who foisted this gang o murdering goofs on us....moreover even if buckley and donaldson etc have too much 'class' to maintain the insane facade (why no one wonders how such rightwing, and in goldwater '64 voter sam donaldon's case, ultra rightwing, media bigshots could abandon the ship just as the scenery gets interesting...?) the record of the media is written in expenses that future generations will be paying long after the busheviks are least that's what the m'whores hope