This should get a lot of attention here. I saw this posted on
GNN's forum, and I decided to put it here as well. What we've got here is a sworn affidavit from a computer programmer who helped to develop vote-rigging software for a Florida race. He worked for a company called YEI (Yang Enterprises). What Florida campaign did he do this for? Tom Feeney (R), who is coincidently a lobbyist for and counsel to YEI. Isn't he Florida Speaker of the House now? Anyone who is from Florida here know?
The affidavit also goes on to say that Inspector General of FDOT Raymond Lemme got involved with the mess because of some other incident dealing with the programmer's apparent wrongful termination at FDOT because he uncovered more junk at FDOT dealings with YEI and said that the corruption over his termination and vote-rigging went "all the way to the top." He told the programmer that the story would break in the next few weeks. A few weeks later, Raymond was found dead. The cause was apparent suicide by slashed wrist. Real goddamn convenient for YEI and Feeney, don't you think?
As an aside, there's also a very interesting article dealing with the elections in the Ukraine that may make you look at Yushchenko in a new, perhaps dark, light.