Here it is: Surfaces (DNC Chair's Race)
by donnie
This is certainly a first. I wish everyone running for DNC chair would post a diary on MyDD so I could promote it to the front page--Chris
Happy New Year to everyone. Most of you know that I am a candidate for DNC chair. Let me tell you what I will do after the early February election by the DNC's 447 shareholder members. I also would like your input. First, I am definitely a candidate. It wasn't hard after going through another election to want to take my experience and ideas and make a change. Unlike many others, I have not spent two months since the election publicly weighing the risks and thinking out loud about whether I should interrupt my life.
For almost twenty years, on-the-ground in fourteen states, and across four presidential campaign cycles I have been in the field helping Democrats. Now that grassroots is fashionable, it's easy to say it's the way to go -- everyone is. But when I started as a young pup, folks told me that I should do media or policy or fundraising because there was not future in field. Well, now we know it is the future of our Party. You might even say that but I was grassroots before grassroots was cool. So, here's what the DNC needs and why I am running. I hope you will join me ...
Our national party needs to look away from DC and get itself out of its web of conventional wisdom. The DNC needs to lead by turning to strong state parties and successful elected officials. It must respect, recognize, and include those who have been most loyal to the Party and must embrace the new electorate that has arisen.
- do not concede regions, issues, voters, or constituencies
- develop values agenda so that Democrats are more than a list of issues
- break the party free from an aristocracy of consultants
- use state, local, and netroots leaders to set national strategies
- don't just plan for the next election - look four, six, and ten years down the road
- avoid the false choice of moving the party left or right (we need every voter)
- local people know better - empower them, let them lead
- inclusion at every level in decisionmaking and resource allocation
- broaden DNC beyond battleground state presidential committee
- appoint executive in Office of the Chair as direct liaison to state parties
- move parts of communications and political ops to regional locations
- increase resources on research and media tracking
- run weekly national message coordinating meeting
- develop national ballot initiative strategy
- execute national redistricting strategy
- run year-round voter registration and issue identification programs
- raise money through traditional means and recognize value of new donors
- increase DNC professionalism - measurable goals, accountability, and review
You can see much more on my website,, but please know that the DNC cannot continue down the path we walked in 2000, 2002, and 2004. We have a real chance to build on the past, remember our souls, and move forward dramatically.
Just an FYI
edited to clean up the margins, etc.