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Seattle Indymedia: "Man of the Year" on a War Course Again

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rainbow4321 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 02:02 PM
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Seattle Indymedia: "Man of the Year" on a War Course Again

At Christmas, the best-known US newsmagazine Time chose George W. Bush “2004 Man of the Year”. The editor-in-chief explained this with the “uncompromising leadership style” of the president and “because he has his gun firmly under control literally and symbolically”. The choice and reason provoked great outrage among many Americans. Bush’s critics recalled that a certain Hitler was chosen “man of the year” by Time magazine in 1938.

Although President Bush is supposedly politically strengthened by his reelection, his decision are questioned even in his own republican ranks. For his second period in office, he has purged his cabinet and the secret service and filled them with unconditional yes-men. However new resistance is forming on other planes. In nominating the corrupt chief of police of New York, Bernard Kerik, to be director of “Homeland Security”, Bush was shown that his wish is no longer a command. Within a week he had to withdraw Kerik’s nomination because Bush's "most successful and most effective police officer" turned out to be a corrupt man with close contacts to the Mafia.


However the neoconservatives were the actual planners of the Iraq war. Their goal, the restructuring of the whole Middle East, required “cheap” victories. The neoconservatives only thought they had a chance for gaining the firm uncomplaining support of the American public for their wars if their own casualty numbers were low, the armies not too large and expensive and the adversary would quickly submit and be pacified. The Iraqi resistance thwarted their plans.


A politically influential group of neoconservatives teamed up as the “Committee for the Present Danger” now present a blueprint for regime change in Iran. This should be enforced with “preventive strikes” if necessary. Syria has also fallen under intensified pressure again. The Iraq problem – according to the argument of neoconservatives in Washington – can only be solved by overthrowing the governments in Damascus and Teheran because they massively support the Iraqi resistance. From a military perspective, another war against Syria or Iran would be sheer madness in view of the situation in Iraq. However the campaign against Baghdad showed that this madness has a method with neoconservatives.

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rkc3 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 02:25 PM
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1. Sheer madness - should be the new catch phrase for this admin.
At this point, the war in Iraq has only irritated middle eastern Muslims. A second war with either Iran or Syria would send them into a full-fledged frenzy against the US and our interests.

This, of course, would play well into the neocons hands. Several new attacks on US soil could lead us into martial law and suspension of the Constitution - which might be their over-riding goal.
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Jo March Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 02:26 PM
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2. Yep. Here we go, folks. Hang on to your hats.
With * in control of his "gun", we are all toast.

What a freaking mess. THIS is why I will not get over the election fraud!!
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The Doctor. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 05:55 PM
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3. Yep, I've been screaming and shouting about this and I ain't done

Tell everyone, no matter what they think of you.

Worst case scenario; you turn out to be right, everyone you told is forced to acknowledge you were right, and from then on they will LISTEN to you more.

Best case scenario; you turn out to be wrong and can breathe a sigh of relief.
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