“Vermont GOP Chairman Joe Acinapura prefers to highlight the fact that Jeffords voted 71 percent of the time in support of issues that Bush favors, according to National Journal rankings.” --Gannett via Bloomberg, 3/3/03
Ashcroft Attorney General Confirmation. (Roll Call Vote No. 8 ) 0000- Confirmation of President Bush's nomination of John Ashcroft of Missouri to be attorney general. American Conservative Union supported this nomination, and considers it a critical test of whether conservatives could be confirmed for executive nominations by the Senate and, therefore, significant enough to give it double weight. Senator Jeffords voted: In Support of American Conservative Union
Defense Spending Increase H. Con. Res. 83 (Roll Call Vote No. 72 ) Warner (R-VA) amendment to the Budget Act providing for an increase of $8.5 billion for national defense spending. American Conservative Union supported this bill. Senator Jeffords voted: In Support of American Conservative Union
Bolton Nomination (Roll Call Vote No. 92 )0000-00-00 Confirmation of President Bush's nomination of John Robert Bolton of Maryland to be Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. ACU supported this bill. Senator Jeffords voted: In Support of American Conservative Union
Tax Cut Bill HR 1836 (Roll Call Vote No. 170 ) 0000-00-00 Adoption of the final version of the tax cut bill, reducing taxes by $1.35 trillion through 2010 through income tax rate cuts, relief of the "marriage penalty," a phase-out of the federal estate tax, doubling the child tax credit, and providing incentives for retirement savings. American Conservative Union supported this bill. Senator Jeffords voted: In Support of American Conservative Union
Taxpayer Funding for Gun Turn-Ins HR 2620 (Roll Call Vote No. 267 ) Craig (R-ID) motion to kill an amendment to the Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill creating a $15 million program for HUD to buy guns from the public. ACU supported this bill. Senator Jeffords voted: In Support of American Conservative Union
Strikes by Public Safety Employees HR 3061 (Roll Call Vote No. 323 ) 2020-01-11 Motion to limit debate on the Daschle (D-SD) amendment to the Labor-HHS Appropriations Bill that would provide collective bargaining rights, including the right to strike, to police, firemen, and other public safety officers employed by states, counties and cities. American Conservative Union opposed the Daschle amendment, and the motion. This motion requires a three-fifths vote of the Senate, so it failed, though it did receive a majority of votes. ACU opposed this bill. Senator Jeffords voted: In Support of American Conservative Union
Democratic Stimulus and Spending Bill. HR 622 (Roll Call 13) 2002-02-06 The cloture motion would require a vote on an economic stimulus and spending bill introduced by Majority Leader Daschle. The bill would increase spending above the budget by providing $5 billion in assistance to states, allowing for a $300 rebate to taxpayers who did not earn them in 2001, extending unemployment benefits and giving a tax cut to certain businesses, but do nothing for overall tax rates. Although the bill received a 56-39 majority on 6 February 2002, it failed because it would waive the Congressional Budget Act spending limits, which required 60 votes. American Conservative Union opposed this massive and unfunded spending bill. American Conservative Union opposed this bill. Senator Jeffords voted: Absent
Government Discrimination in Farm Regulation. S. 1731 (Roll Call 15) The amendment would discriminate against large cattle and dairy farms in obtaining environmental quality incentives to construct animal waste treatment facilities. The vote was 44-52, on 6 February 2002. American Conservative Union opposed the amendment. ACU opposed this bill. Senator Jeffords voted: Absent
Military Base Closings. HR 1588 (Roll Call 205) 2003-06-04 This amendment would have canceled the next round of military base closings. American Conservative Union believes our military must be as “lean and mean” as possible, and that closing some bases can contribute to a strong defense. American Conservative Union opposed the amendment. It was defeated by a vote of 42-53 on 4 June 2003. American Conservative Union opposed this bill. Senator Jeffords voted: In Support of American Conservative Union
Prescription Drug Benefit Means Testing. S. 1 (Roll Call 261)2003-06-26 This amendment would have barred a cost-saving means test for new benefits in the Medicare prescription drug bill. American Conservative Union supported means testing and opposed this amendment. It failed 38-59 on 26 June 2003. American Conservative Union opposed this bill. Senator Jeffords voted: In Support of American Conservative Union
Trade Promotion Authority. HR 3009 (Roll Call 130) 2002-05-23 The bill would renew the president's traditional authority to negotiate trade agreements with other countries and extend trade benefits on certain goods to Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. American Conservative Union supported this bill, which passed 66-30 on 23 May 2002. ACU supported this bill. Senator Jeffords voted: In Support of American Conservative Union
Protection of Innocent Third Parties. S. 2600 (Roll Call 152) 2002-06-13 The motion would kill an amendment to limit non-economic, punitive damages against innocent third parties as a result of a terrorist attack. American Conservative Union opposed this effort to force blameless businessmen to pay trial lawyers for acts perpetrated by terrorists, but it was passed by a vote of 50-46 on 13 June 2002.ACU opposed this bill. Senator Jeffords voted: Absent
SJ Res 6. Ergonomics Rule Disapproval. Passage of a joint resolution to reverse the ergonomics workplace safety rule submitted by the Clinton Administration's Labor Department. Passed 56-44. March 6, 2001. A no vote is a +. Sen. Jeffords voted AGAINST Americans for Democratic Action
S 420. Social Security "Lockbox." Domenici (R-NM) motion to waive the Budget Act in order to ensure that the Social Security surplus is used only to pay down the public debt until Social Security reform legislation is enacted. The bill would also ensure that the surplus in the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund is used only to pay down the public debt until Medicare reform legislation is enacted. Motion rejected 52-48 (a three-fifths majority vote - 60 - is required to waive the Budget Act.) March 13, 2001. A no vote is a +. Sen. Jeffords voted AGAINST Americans for Democratic Action
H Con Res 83. Prescription Drug Benefit/Tax Cuts. Grassley (R-IA) amendment to reserve $300 billion over 10 years to create a Medicare prescription drug benefit and overhaul the program. This amendment was a response to Democratic legislation which would have allocated $311 billion for the benefit and not allowed the benefit's funding to come from the Medicare Hospital Trust Fund Surplus. Adopted 51-50, with Vice President Cheney casting a "yea" vote. April 3, 2001. A no vote is a +. Sen. Jeffords voted AGAINST Americans for Democratic Action
H Con Res 83. Fiscal 2002 Budget Reconciliation. Domenici (R-NM) amendment to instruct the Senate Finance Committee to report two reconciliation bills to the Senate that would reduce revenue levels by not more than the President's proposed $1.6 trillion tax cut, and include a $60 billion economic stimulus package for fiscal 2001. Adopted 51-49. April 5, 2001. A no vote is a +. Sen. Jeffords voted AGAINST Americans for Democratic Action
H Con Res 83. Funding for Environmental Programs. Corzine (D-NJ) amendment to increase funding for a wide variety of environmental programs by $50 billion and set aside $50 billion for debt reduction. The increases would be offset by reductions in the proposed tax cut. Rejected 46-54. April 5, 2001. A yes vote is a +. Sen. Jeffords voted AGAINST Americans for Democratic Action
H Con Res 83. "Marriage Penalty" Tax. Hutchison (R-TX) amendment to increase the proposed tax cut by $69 billion for fiscal 2002-2011 in an effort to eliminate the co-called marriage penalty. Adopted 51-50, with Vice President Cheney casting a "yea" vote. April 5, 2001. A no vote is a + Sen. Jeffords voted AGAINST Americans for Democratic Action.
S I. School Renovation and Construction. Harkin (D-IA) amendment to authorize $1.6 billion for fiscal 2002 and such sums as necessary for each fiscal year between 2003 and 2006 for the construction and renovation of public elementary and secondary school buildings. Rejected 49-50. May 16, 2001. A yes vote is a +. Sen. Jeffords voted AGAINST Americans for Democratic Action
HR 1836. Estate Tax. Dorgan (D-ND) amendment to strike the estate-tax repeal provision and repeal the estate tax in 2003 for only all qualified family-owned farms and businesses. It also would reduce the top estate-tax rate bracket to 45 percent. Rejected 43-56. May 21, 2001. A yes vote is a +. Sen. Jeffords voted AGAINST Americans for Democratic Action
HR 1836. Head Start. Kennedy (D-MA) amendment to condition the reductions in the marginal income-tax rate on full funding for Head Start programs. Motion rejected 45-54. May 22, 2001. A yes vote is a +. Sen. Jeffords voted AGAINST Americans for Democratic Action
HR 1836. Tax Cut Reconciliation Bill. Adoption of the conference report on the bill to reduce taxes by $1.35 trillion through fiscal 2011 through income tax rate cuts, relief of the "marriage penalty," phase-out of the federal estate tax, doubling of the child tax credit, and new incentives for retirement savings. A new 10 percent tax rate would be created retroactive to January 1. The bill would double the $5000-per-child tax credit by 2010 and make it refundable, raise the estate tax exemption to $1 million in 2002 and repeal the tax in 2010, increase the standard deduction for married couples to double that of singles over five years, beginning in 2005, and increase annual contributions limits for Individual Retirement Accounts. The bill's provisions would expire December 31, 2010. Adopted 58-33. May 26, 2001. A no vote is a +. Sen. Jeffords voted AGAINST Americans for Democratic Action
S 1052. Patients' Bill of Rights. Passage of the bill to provide federal patient protections and allow patients to appeal a health maintenance organization's (HMO) decision on coverage and treatment. It also would allow patients to sue health insurers in state courts over quality-of-care claims and, at the federal level, over administrative or non-medical coverage disputes. Passed 59-36. June 29, 2001. A yes vote is a +. Sen. Jeffords voted AGAINST Americans for Democratic Action