in as many days, members of a faith-based community of activists breached security at two of the most heavily guarded buildings in the country during nonviolent anti-war protests.
On December 28th, about 75 people gathered outside the metro entrance to the Pentagon at 7am, to protest the continuing slaughter of innocents in Iraq. While 17 activists blocked the entrance, a banner appeared over the side of the Pentagon roof: "BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW". As supporters who'd been pushed behind metal
barricades encouraged employees to recognize that "there is blood on our hands", guards debated how the banner had arrived. Those
blocking the doors were arrested and have court dates of April 1st and 14th.
The next day, close to 100 people filed across LaFayette park, past the newly constructed inaugural viewing standes and formed a semi-circle in front of the dignitaries' entrance to the White House. Eight people held a long banner in front of the entrance. In front of the banner lay a black coffin labeled "US and Iraqi war dead". For an hour they read the names of dead US soldiers and Iraqi civilians, each name followerd by a solemn gong and a refrain of "their blood is on our hands."
During the presence, two of the resisters, Susan Crane and Gary Ashbeck, both of Jonah House community in Baltimore, followed a man through the pedestrain entrance and into the White Housed compound. When guards realized Susan and Gary had not been cleared to enter they insisted the two leave immediately. Susan and Gary demanded to speak to a White House official about the situation in Iraq. "We've been waiting outside for years," said Susan. "We want someone to deal with us now." The two were arrested, held overnight and charged with "unlawful entry."
Melinda Smael of Washington, DC wrote the names of several Iraqi civilians on the black entrance gate with chalk. She, too, was arrested by angry White House security and held overnight. She was charged with "defacing government property." All three have a status hearing on Jan. 31.