In 20 years, the American Welfare State
will no longer be needed
By: Pablo Pardo/Washington
El Mundo (Spain)September 12, 2004
Q: And if Bush wins?
A: The Democratic Party will be forever doomed. If we
take control of the legislature and the executive
branch, we will reenforce our control of the Judicial
Branch to direct it against the Democrats. We will
brng about a modest limit of the ability of the people
to initiate lawsuits against corporations, which will
damage the lawyers who specialize in these cases, which
is one of the props of the Democratic Party. We will
accelerate the decline of the unions. We will cut
funding to groups of public employees, like teachers,
who are one of the great sources of Democratic votes.
And we will begin the move the Welfare State toward a
private system, in pensions and healthcare.
Q: The end of the Democrats?
A: Yes, because their demographic base is collapsing.
Two million people who fought in the Second World War
and lived through the Great Depression die every year.
This generation has been an exception in US History,
because it as defended anti-American policies. They
voted for the creation of the Welfare State and for
mandatory military service. They are the Democratic
electoral base. And they are dying. And at the same
time, more and more Americans own stock. This makes
them defend business interests, because they are their
own interests. That is why it is impossible to bring
about a politics of societal hatred, of class struggle.
Q: What are the Democrats doing to stop their decline?
A: Mobilizing. That is where all the support that
Kerry receives from people like George Soros comes
from. They are just as we were in 1968, when Nixon
won, or in 1980, when Reagan won. Then, the Democrats
controlled Congress. We could only choose a President.
We knew that if Nixon or Reagan did not win, and
Democratic domination of US politics continued, that
they would deliver the country to the Soviet Union.
Now they are living that experience.
Q: You would like the cut the state by half in 25
years. How?
A: The key is in pensions and health. Last year Bush
approved the creation of personal accounts in which
each citizen accumulates savings to pay for health
assistance. And the platform includes a partial
privatization of Social Security ("pensiones"). These
two areas are a third of public spending in this
country. In 20 years, half the population will be in
private assistance systems and pensions. And the
Welfare State will no longer be needed. To this will
be added reforms to the EPA and a reduction in the
authority of the FDA, which authorizes the sale of
Q: And that will be the society that you want.