I was driving my wife's car yesterday, and she had a CC station on (I don't think she even realizes it is). One of those "just great music" stations that plays anything from any era as long as it's bland and/or so overplayed as to have lost all of its original meaning. The canned DJ spoke of his next artist, who once ran for President on the platform of Free Gas For Everybody (Joe Walsh, promising intestinal gas). The DJ did his little schtick about the song and said "Walsh told his potential voters that he didn't mean gas for their cars. He also promised them he'd never lie to them.
Which is more than you can say for Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton." (Cut to "Life's Been Good.")
WTF?! Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton? SO absolutely, totally, transparently....AAAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!
BTW, anyone got a cheap car radio to sell? The dial on my wife's radio is now all bashed in. (Not really).
1st Amendment Shoppe