Time to Decentralise the DNc, lose the DLC. The PDA has a good start for what Dean envisions, decentralisation. The DNC DLC power people will fight it, as well as the politicians, but if you read Dean, WE HAVE THE POWER , it's not theirs, it's OURS.
It will take time to reorganise from the bottom up, but it's about the grassroots taking control, where it's supposed to come from, not the elite top.Kerry came off as elite, mary beth cahill was washington inside , why it took so long to counter the swift boat liars the elite doesn't like to get dirty in a street fight ,why Kerry came off as a wuss. Molly Ivans should of been in the loop, she would of clued them in to rove's tactics and shrub's less than normal I. Q . Ivans would of told them to counter punch asap.
Dean is right, the Dems need to start anew far from Washington, from the bottom up, using meet ups, and finding new candidates, ones that will represent US, not the Washington corporate elite.