As you probably know, yesterday the Repugs voted to change the house ethics rules so that either party could veto ethics violation charges.
So, let's pretend, hypothetically, that a bunch of Democrats announced that tomorrow they were going to intentionally violate the house ethics rules, and then refuse to allow it to be prosecuted.
What house ethics rules could they intentionally violate that would: 1) Significantly, PERSONALLY harm individual Republican members of the ethics committee? 2) Not harm the American people? 3) Not constitute assault? (Although god knows they deserve it!) 4) Not be prosecutable by law enforcement?
If I recall correctly, there was a scandal a few years back involving the congressional bank. Some congressmen (I think New Gingrich among them) were intentionally over-drawing their accounts and not paying-off the negative balance. If I'm not mistaken, the whole thing was dismissed because they decided the congressional bank was not a "real" bank, and more like the "canteen fund" you have at summer camp.
If that is true, could the Democrats write bad checks to steal money from the Republican's personal "fake bank" congressional accounts?
It might be best, though, if it was something that would look good on C-SPAN.