Link to a website that has video clips from F911: videos:
Representatives Protest Mr. Bush's Presidency
The Inauguration Parade-turned-Protest
Bush Blocked 9/11 Commissions
Richard Clarke: Iraq as a First Resort
The Caspian Sea Pipeline
Mr. Ashcroft Ignored Repeated Warnings from CIA and FBI
Bush: "Some people call you the elite. I call you my base."
Mr. Bush's Connection with the bin Laden Family
The Carlyle Group and the bin Laden Family
Prince Bandar Visits Mr. Bush on 9/13/01
Taliban's Hashimi visits U.S.
Baker defends Bush from 9/11 Victims
Bush: "Bring em' on"
"Mission Accomplished"
a lot more gruesome than you'd think."
Cpl. Abdul Henderson
"If Donald Rumsfeld was here, I'd ask him for his Resignation"
Three lighters: One Too many
Terror: The Target on the American Mind
U.S. Army Speaks to Your Subconscious Mind
Saddam Hussein Has Weapons of Mass Destruction?
"Some innocent women and children got hit."
"The Struggle can only end with their Complete and Perminent Destruction"
A Soldier's Last Request