What do child snatching, sex rings and pedophilia have to do with the worst natural disaster to strike our planet in almost a century? Well, if you watch any of the three major cable news outlets, CNN, MSNBC or Fox you would know that this aspect of the recent tsunami tragedy is so important that it deserves far more coverage than the 150,000 dead and the millions of homeless. All three networks are now devoting large chunks of coverage to an alleged child snatching from a Thai hospital of a Caucasian baby during the confusion of the immediate aftermath of the killer wave. The networks want us know that the lost child was most likely snatched by "sex traders" to be used in the "illegal sex trade" notoriously operating in that part of the world. The networks have made it clear that they intend to vigorously search for answers to this alleged crime no matter how many dead, dark skinned people they have step over or move out of the way.
Wolf Blitzer deserves a special award for his clarity and his ability to see the real story in the midst of all the dead natives and devastated towns and villages. After he dutifully led off his broadcast with an in depth examination of the "sex trade" industry in Asia and tied it to the single alleged act of kidnapping a white child, he moved on to the other major aspect of this event that his viewers need to know. Wolf wants you to ponder why Americans should be giving any money to those people if they are going to walk around wearing Osama Bin Laden T-Shirts. He directs the viewers attention to a still picture of a half drowned man begging for water from a helicopter that hovered over a barren, water logged field that used to be his village wearing a shirt with Osama's face printed on it. His guest at the time was William Cohen who seemed stunned by the question but responded that the tragedy should not be politicized. Wolf was having none of that nonsense and countered that most of those non-white people over there are Muslims and again he asked if our support might be going to people that want to do us harm. Cohen repeated his answer about not making a tsunami a political issue.
America can be assured that CNN, MSNBC and FOX will not rest until they have reported fully on why Scott & Lacie Petersen did not honeymoon on Puhket Island before he killed her and his child. Oh the humanity!