The Repugs have used threats and intimidation for years now to keep their members in line and to cower the Dems. I'm sick of it. I think we need to let the repugs know that the people in the Democratic party (NOT the party) are ready to work, en masse, to defeat each and every Senator that supports this Chimp and his programs. Not only are we going to work to get Dems elected but we are deliberately and tirelessly target them personally to be "de-elected." There is a difference. For some reason they act like they have impunity against ever being called to task for their horrible policies, their mindless partisanship, their blatant under minding of democracy, their playing fast and loose with ethics. WE ARE NOT GOING TO FORGET. WE ARE NOT GOING TO LET ANYONE FORGET. And they are going to go down. Chimpy can't protect them all - nor will he want to be bothered. Not in 2006 - he's a lame duck, sinking in the polls, dumber than dirt and lazy when HE has nothing to gain.
They did have the advantage of running a sitting president which helped get out the votes for these Bozos. They won't have that the next election cycle - most of the repugs will slink back to the caves and go back to sleep until the next presidential election. They will have to be running on their own damn records and have to answer for it.
Not sure I'm making sense - I'm just so damn tired of this nonsense from these hateful, lying, bigots who think they represent the majority of Americans.