It's tomorrow at 1 p.m.
However, we all still must email, fax, call, whatever all 45 senators and tell them to stand together now as a party. If they do not do this, the next four years, the Republicans are going to walk all over the minority as well as the people of this country.
It's time we took our country back from the thieves.
Bush may have won; however, he was helped along AGAIN, and AGAIN, . . .
I think the Republicans should understand how the Dems feel considering the close race in Washington. The Repub candidate is wanting them to count the votes again; however, it was just a close race. He is not proclaiming voter fraud.
I think Randi said we could get the information we need at the Rainbow Push Coalition site.
Let's group behind our party and kick some Republicans asses. They will, of course, pick Bush to be President, which is not what this has been about; however, this voter fraud is going to get fixed and get fixed by the party that has ever done anything for this country.
I'm so happy I could spit. lol
I cannot wait to see Cheney lose his cool and make a fool of himself tomorrow.