That's what my Chiropractor told me the other day. He thought he was being funny. I about flipped off the table in the middle of being adjusted, and got educational on his ass.
I've been seeing this man for years. Yes, he's an ardent Republican, and I'm an Independent who supported Kerry this year, but most of our discussions prior to this have been about the importance of puppies and dogs. (My husband and I volunteer for a local rescue; his dogs compete in hunting trials.) His innocent, polite question "so, what have you been up to?" was answered by me in a way he didn't expect.
I spent close to two months investigating election fraud. Generally, I get a "you are kidding, right?" type of reply, and then I politely start explaining what I've learned. Florida and the "no paper trail bad memory cards." Ohio and the magic numbers. Indiana and the Democrats = Libertarian votes. New York and the Democrats = no vote. The arrogance of some of the fixers (Volusia County, Florida) just amazes me, and I've got the videotaped garbage bag incident down to a four point funny story that has people giggling by the time I'm done.
That's when people try to put on their protective cynicism. "Both sides do it, right?"
398 to 2, I tell them politely. Its kind of one of those "amazing coincidences." Personally, I think I finally figured out the two -- I think a couple of "rebels" in the party were being punished. (One of the Republican "glitches" was discovered in Texas when a Republican judicial candidate found out he couldn't vote for himself. Did the point get made?)
Then they want to know why it isn't being reported, and I look at them like they are idiots. It is being reported. Those 400 incidents are IN THE PAPERS. You can go to www.votersunite.org or www.verifiedvoting.org or www.auditthevote.org among others for the details, including sources. Its just not being talked about on television except as "kooky conspiracy theories" (and I roll my eyes when I say that because apparently programming computers is "conspiracy stuff" now instead of a job description).
In two months I've learned more than I * EVER * wanted to know about the ease with which an election can be "fixed." Stalin was right, I tell people. Its not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes.
But, my chiropractor thought he was being funny, and I really surprised him with my hostility at his stupid remark. "We're a democracy," I told him indignantly, and he tried to make another cute remark about Machiavelli and "may he who fixes the elections best win" with the added bonus of being happy this cycle because the Republicans were doing it best. I countered back with the obvious "if one side can do it, so can the other, and that's NOT what democracy is about." Then I went into my educational spiel, and by the end of the conversation, he was kind of concerned for my safety, especially when I started talking about the recent increased "suicide rate" amongst investigative reporters; one guy in December took TWO BULLETS to the back of his head before he was able to "commit suicide" successfully!
My chiropractor is actually a nice guy. He thought I was joking, and he thought he was being funny. Fascism *IS* a bad thing. Democracy means holding our leaders responsible to the people -- their employers -- for doing their jobs. With election fraud, "our leaders" aren't worried about making sure WE THE PEOPLE are happy, because our opinions -- meaning our votes -- don't count.
That's what happened on November 2, 2004, and despite all of the evidence, no one wants to believe it can happen here in the United States.
The problem is, it already did.
Regards, Ida M. Briggs www.invisibleida.com