You may absolutely love or absolutely hate certain big name Democrats; but I assume you have a gut sixth sense about how a particular 'candidate' would fly - or not fly - with the American voters (that great sea of easily manipulated stupid beings). Here are two examples of what I am trying to drive at with this post:
Obama - basically only good, energetic, soaring vibes circle around this man. He's a magnet. I was shocked when a couple of real dumb duds I know (who couldn't mark a ballot with an X) started yacking to me about Obama after his appearance at the Dem Convention----and I know these people would not watch any political convention if you stuck a gun to their heads. So, Obama was bigger than a convention.
Hillary Clinton - like it or not she comes toting a big whoopin' can of worms....a can we Dems do not want to see reopened or revisited. The past would be such a terrible distraction that Dems could not get out any message, we would be playing nothing but defense, and the Repubs would pick us off with ease. There are quite a number of our "prominent" Dems who fit this same profile.
What I'm trying to say is that in '08 we desperately need to pick someone that's 90%-plus an "attraction". We have got to stay away from people who are soused with "repellant". There literally is no other way we will have a chance of winning. Now..your mission if you wish to accept it, is to find a virgin. Good luck.