Freepers are wetting themselves over this article:
"Kerry cheered in Baghdad, decries Bush team's 'blunders'
Once criticized for war stance, he says force alone won't win"
Borzou Daragahi, Chronicle Foreign Service
Thursday, January 6, 2005 -- Sen. John Kerry, whose seemingly shifting positions on the U.S. war in Iraq plagued him throughout his presidential campaign, came to this war- torn capital Wednesday to see for himself whether the country was moving toward stability or deeper into chaos.
But in several instances, Kerry attacked what he called the "horrendous judgments" and "unbelievable blunders" of the Bush administration. The mistakes, he said, included former U.S. occupation leader Paul Bremer's decisions to disband the Iraqi army and purge the government of former members of Hussein's Baath Party. Both moves are widely believed to have fueled the largely Sunni insurgency.
"What is sad about what's happening here now is that so much of it is a process of catching up from the enormous miscalculations and wrong judgments made in the beginning," he said. "And the job has been made enormously harder."
"Mistakes have been made," he said. "Now, it's a different time and different set of judgments that have to be made. I'm here to make judgments about what moves are available to us."
NOW, the Freeper reaction: To: Carl/NewsMax
This is over the top! Lets get a movement going to get this piece of human excrement CENSURED by the United States Senate.
16 posted on 01/06/2005 8:54:00 AM PST by DarthVader
2). To: Carl/NewsMax
You can't change a zebra's stripes, and you sure can't change sKerry. Anything can and will be done to be the center of attention. Pure treason on his part, but the MSM will report it far differently than the reality of his traitorous behavior.
21 posted on 01/06/2005 8:55:05 AM PST by conservativecorner
3). To: mhking
He's hiding out while the Bitch Boxer and Hellery raise cain in the Senate. That way he has plausable deniability,
you can bet they have a whole bunch of GI's covering his ass, too bad maybe he'll wind up in a hot zone but don't count on it.
25 posted on 01/06/2005 8:55:26 AM PST by snowman1
4). To: Carl/NewsMax
This is a disgrace that a former candidate for President of the United States goes on foreign soil during wartime and trashes our President. He's not only a sore loser who acts and speaks like a pompous fool he is also a disgrace to this country. By saying what he did he encouraged the enemy in their quest to kill more Americans and attack our troops fighting for ALL our freedoms. Once again he proves to everyone that he was not, is not and never will be Presidential Fodder.
54 posted on 01/06/2005 9:05:37 AM PST by cubreporter