The letter I no avail, of course. (My subscripton was cancelled a while back, but I added that comment for effect.. :) )
Thursday January 6, 2005
In perusing today's NYTimes it was absolutely amazing to see that there was not one word about this story. In response to your previous requests that I "stay tuned" for more coverage on this subject..Don't hold your breath. My subscription has been cancelled.
dokrent - 5:40 PM ET November 21, 2004 (#35 of 40)
The Times and Covering Allegations of Election Fraud
Sorry to have been neglecting this spot for so long; I could give you a list of excuses, but none of them is especially good.
Now, though, my mailbox has begun to overflow with criticisms of The Times for not looking more deeply into allegations of large-scale vote fraud in Ohio and Florida, a story (if true) that no one can ignore. In some of these messages, writers say that "now that the theft of the election has been proven ...," The Times must reveal this to the wider world.
I raised reader concerns with Mr. Okrent and a few days ago he asked me to let you know that he does not believe The Times's coverage of the voting in Ohio is over.
Mr. Okrent wanted me to write you back asking that you please stay tuned.