One more good side effect to this contesting of the election
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Thu Jan-06-05 04:21 PM
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One more good side effect to this contesting of the election |
On inauguration day we may be subjected to less gloating, or talk of "mandates" as it is now publicly obvious that this country is NOT firmly behind Buxh and "pulling as a team".
The legitimacy of his seat in office has been officially doubted.
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Thu Jan-06-05 04:26 PM
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1. There was Even more doubt in 2000 |
Did not stop gloating at levels that were simply embarrassing.
Did not stop them from acting like they had the biggest mandate in history.
Expect to have your lowest expectations become wildly optimistic.
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Thu Jan-06-05 04:56 PM
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I think 2000 WAS even worse. And we didn't have the temerity to protest it even a little bit then. Something a little more happened this time around. This is what haunts the imperial nightmares of the plutarchs; that the rabble will not accept their lot quietly.
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Thu Jan-06-05 04:59 PM
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3. Wait..The media spin has not started yet. By the time the Inauguration |
comes around the MSM will have Barbara Boxer and the Black Caucus painted with the same brush as those people who theorized about the earthquake and tsunami being caused by some manmade source.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:43 AM
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