Mainstream Media WBZ "Democrats say vote makes them look like Sore Losers"
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Thu Jan-06-05 06:03 PM
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Mainstream Media WBZ "Democrats say vote makes them look like Sore Losers" |
Also said on NPR
So the memo from Rove to our Liberal Media musy have said
"Get the sore loser phrase into all newscasts tonight - and say the responcible Democratic Party members are using that phrase"
Damn - don't you just love our
"we are not controlled by the right wing media - we just act like we are" media news programs!
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Thu Jan-06-05 06:05 PM
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1. Someone needs to have a long talk with those idiot Democrats |
in Congress about what to say and what not to say to the fuckin' "liberal" media.
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Thu Jan-06-05 06:15 PM
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2. That long talk needs to feature a blunt instrument |
I don't think anything less will break through the utter idiocy of the DLC Democrat.
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Thu Jan-06-05 06:48 PM
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3. first heard that delivered on cspan today |
no media is exempt from WH steno...
of course the memo from the Dems should have gone out reading: Republicans don't want everyone to vote and don't care that all votes are counted.
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Thu Jan-06-05 06:49 PM
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4. WBZ has no shame......... |
....after all, they hero worshipped a racist, pompous, arrogant elitest hypocrite like David Brudnoy......
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:38 AM
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