Today I heard Alberto "Abu" Gonzalez as he sat in the Senate and said that the Geneva Convention did not apply to Al Qaeda prisioners. We had picked up alot of "bad men" and we need information. Sen. Leahy (I think) asked about whether other governments should treat American POW with torture, in another words is this consistent with "do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" Abu hedged the question by saying this hearing was not about other governments. What an idiot!
Again, Sen. Kennedy brought evidence that Abu agreed that a certain form of torture wherein the victim is almost drown was acceptable in a conference. Abu did not deny this at all...
Of course Mr. Torture's going to be confirmed. He has too many Republican buddies drooling over him, saying he's a great guy, and the Repubs have got the power, no matter what some good, liberal Senators say.
So many repubs claim to be Christian. Does Gonzalez claim to be Christian? Jesus said, "As you did to the least of did it to me" (Matthew 25:40). Who would Jesus torture? NOBODY! Actually, Jesus was imprisioned, tortured, flogged, stripped of his clothes, and beaten again (Matthew 27:26-31). The Romans thought he was some kind of terrorists who would threaten their Pax Romana, their empire.
I am not saying members of Al Qaeda are righteous or anything, but what ever a person does or is alleged to have done, that does not take away his/ her humanity. We are humans. Gonzalez said Abu Ghraib sickened him as a human being, yet he condones such tortures. Jesus weeps.