SPECTER: Thank you very much, Senator Cornyn.
We now turn to newly elected Senator Ken Salazar.
Congratulations, Senator Salazar, from Colorado, and we look forward to you introduction of Judge Gonzales.
SALAZAR: Thank you.
Chairman Specter and Ranking Member Leahy and members of the committee, it is an honor and a privilege for me to appear before you this morning.
It is also an honor and privilege for me to appear before you this morning to make an introduction of Judge Alberto Gonzales.
I do so at the invitation of Judge Gonzales. He and I come from very similar backgrounds. We both understand the struggles of people as they try to build better lives for themselves and for their families in America.
SALAZAR: In a speech at Rice University, Judge Gonzales recently recalled his upbringing, and he said, I quote, "During my years in high school I never once asked my friends once over to our home. You see, even though my father poured his heart into that house, I was embarrassed that 10 of us lived in a cramped space, with no hot running water or telephone."
In another statement, Judge Gonzales said, "My father did not have opportunities because he had only two years of formal schooling, and so my memories are of a man who had to work six days a week to support his family. He worked harder than any person I have ever known."
From those humble beginnings, Judge Gonzales has excelled academically and professionally. In my view, Judge Gonzales is better qualified than many recent attorneys general. He served as a member of the Texas Supreme Court, secretary of state for the state of Texas, chief counsel to the governor of Texas and for the last four years as counsel to the president.
I have known Judge Gonzales from my days as Colorado's attorney general. In addition, over the last several weeks I have met and had several discussions with Judge Gonzales about his nomination to serve as this nation's attorney general.
I believe his decision to reach out to me, someone who is from a different political party, is an indication of his interest in working with all of us in making our homeland more secure and at the same time protecting our citizens' rights and liberties.
I have shared with Judge Gonzales my views on a few priority items I would like to work on with the Justice Department and with this important committee, under your leadership. Judge Gonzales has pledged to me his willingness to work on these issues.
Among the issues we discussed are the following.
One, homeland security at the local and state level.
SALAZAR: For those of us, such as Senator Sessions and Senator Cornyn, who have served as attorneys general, we know the importance of this issue at the local level.
I believe we must do more to support our state and local law enforcement officials and other first responders as we take on the most significant national security challenge of the 21st century, and that is providing security for our homeland against threats of terrorism.
I am pleased that, if confirmed as attorney general, Judge Gonzales has indicated his willingness to work on this matter, and will come to Colorado to meet with local and state law enforcement officials and other first responders to listen to their experiences, needs and concerns. And I am certain that he will do that in other states, as well.
Secondly, on the Patriot Act, I support the Patriot Act and the necessary reasons for its enactment. I have also expressed my support for changes to the act, as have been discussed and proposed by a bipartisan group of leaders in the Congress.
Judge Gonzales has indicated his willingness to work on this important matter so that we might better balance out the needs for national security, while at the same time maintaining the important, fundamental civil liberties of our nation.
I know that there are other serious questions that this committee will explore and ask of Judge Gonzales in these proceedings. It is appropriate to do so in these confirmation proceedings.
I am hopeful that Judge Gonzales will satisfactorily address the concerns of the Senate, and I am hopeful that he will become the next United States attorney general for our nation.
Thank you.
SPECTER: Thank you very much, Senator Salazar.
Judge Gonzales, would you now stand for the administration of the oath? Raise your right hand.