Might I recommend that this be sent to every single person you know. Now is the time.
We - the broad progressive movement - won a huge victory today
in Congress.
No, we didn't win the vote to reject Ohio's Electors - but we
never thought we would.
We did win the debate.
http://tinyurl.com/672p9 )
Our side won the debate because we talked about the fundamental
basis of Democracy: the right of everyone to vote, and the right
to have every vote counted.
Republicans could not challenge our facts. So they viciously
attacked our motives. If you missed Tom DeLay's closing
argument, you must watch it. It was pure poison - like
everything Tom DeLay says and does. We're counting the days
until his theft of the Texas legislature puts him behind Texas
bars - where it won't be "Camp Cupcake."
But our champions did not wither under withering fire. They
stood their ground. They stood tall.
What now?
First, Ohio is not over. There are two cases still in the
courts. They raise crucial substantive questions that go to the
heart of whether Ohio's election was fair or fraudulent. We will
continue to track these cases, to make sure justice is done.
Second, Election Reform is not over. Every Democrat - and even a
few Republicans - emphasized the voting problems that need to be
fixed. If Republicans block action on basic reforms like paper
trails, they will confront millions of very angry voters.
Third, Bush's "legitimacy" is not over. Millions of Americans
know that he certainly stole Florida in 2000, and possibly stole
Ohio in 2004. The dark cloud over Bush's head will not be lifted
until the questions raised in the Conyers Report are answered.
As long as Ken Blackwell refuses to answer those questions,
Bush's second term will be as illegitimate as his first.
Finally, the pro-Democracy movement is not over. We fought for
this debate against infinite odds, and we got the debate we
demanded. We fought against the fear of Democratic leaders and
the rage of Republican leaders, but they could not silence us or
repudiate our cause. Our champions have stepped forward, and we
will work with them until we guarantee every American has the
right to vote.
Let's thank the Democrats who fought with us for Democracy -
call 800-839-5276
Rep. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones
Senator Barbara Boxer
Rep. John Conyers
Rep. Corrine Brown
Rep. Julia Carson
Rep. Bill Clay
Rep. James Clyburn
Rep. Danny Davis
Rep. Lane Evans
Rep. Bob Filner
Rep. Raul Grijalva
Rep. Alcee Hastings
Rep. Maurice Hinchey
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson
Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick
Rep. Dennis Kucinich
Rep. Barbara Lee
Rep. John Lewis
Rep. Ed Markey
Rep. Cynthia McKinney
Rep. John Olver
Rep. Major Owens
Rep. Frank Pallone
Rep. Donald Payne
Rep. Jan Schakowsky
Rep. Bennie Thompson
Rep. Maxine Waters
Rep. Diane Watson
Rep. Lynn Woolsey
The Democratic staff of the House Judiciary Committee
Let's congratulate ourselves for fighting all the way to the
Let's have counter-inaugural protests across the country on
January 20.
http://democrats.com/protest And let's meet in Washington DC with Progressive Democrats of
America on January 21-23 to plan a progressive revolution in the
months and years to come.
http://www.pdamerica.org /
Bob Fertik