missed everything that went down. Oddly enough I was in Ohio. The TV in the lobby of the hotel I stayed at as well as in my client's lunchroom both were on Fox News Channel. Looked like the Gonzalez confirmation hearing was being broadcast. I knew that there would be an election challenge today. I heard that perhaps Boxer would be the Senator that would speak up. I knew of Conyers work because of DU and Randi. But where I'm going with this is that when I finally arrived back at my home office in Chicago and tried to find out what went on - there was very little coverage in MSM. Just short snippets of the challenge and debate. If one wasn't specifically tuned into this and looking for it - they would have missed this (kind of) historic day. Drudge didn't have anything posted on his site. Even Keith O didn't spend too much time on the days events - but he probably had more on these events than any other news program. Tsunami is still getting the attention.
Bottom line is that most Americans - Democratic, Republican, Green, etc - probably don't have a clue as to what transpired today. Ask your friends and family that aren't tuned in as you and I - and I bet they don't know or have an inkling as to what happened. This is what I think is sad. It will be interesting listening in tomorrow on Rush or Hannity as to what they say. They will probably laugh this off and call us 'sore losers', 'conspiracy theorists', etc and this will all have passed without any real public outcry of the massive injustice this election was and how really all American's lost. My Repub friends will just gloat.
And where are we? Well IMHO about where we were in 2000 after Gore threw in the towel. I suspect we are even in worse shape.
I'm sorry I'm frustrated and rambling. I've clung to hopes that after the happenings of today - the MSM lockdown would be lifted and all Americians would be enlightened as to what really happened Nov.2nd. I thought the electorate would be enraged and there would be massive debate. I thought * would lose some of that 'political capital' he says he has. I thought that even some staunch Repubs would take up the fight and perhaps we would bring some of them to our side in the House and Senate.
But none of this happened. If I weren't as tuned in as I am about all of this - in the course of my day - I wouldn't have even picked up on any of this. And so the events of Jan 6th 2005 have passed most Americans by.
So America goes on its merry way. * gets inaugaurated. Iraq gets its vote at the end of Jan. * gets his hand picked Iraqi yes man in power. Our soldiers get called in for a third and fourth tour of duty in Iraq. Civil war breaks out in Iraq. More deaths of innocent Iraqi citizens and American soldiers. Halliburton makes more $'s. Social security gets bastardized by *. The draft gets reinstated. * takes us into Iran, Syria or North Korea. Gas prices go up. The middle class gets pushed down even further. More loss of jobs and outsourcing. More lines at airports. No accountability for 911. No Plame indictments. More Rovian tactics. etc. etc. etc. All this goes on until 2008 when we are faced with Jeb *.
New World Order.
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.
I'm at my breaking point. Would I be happier if I succumbed to "If you can't beatem - joinem".
Sorry for my rant. I'm going to bed now. Tomorrow I'll spend three hours shoveling 9.2 inches of snow off my 125 ft driveway. Maybe I'll think clearer then or maybe I'll have a heart attack? Maybe I should take anti-depressants? Maybe I should move to Canada/Europe? Maybe I should buy a cabin in the mountains and arm myself? Maybe we should change the name of Democraticunderground? Help!!!! I'm losing it!@#$%^&*