Edited on Fri Jan-07-05 11:38 AM by flobee1kenobi
Stop trying to please everyone-it never works, even among the dems. Study closely how the Repugs won as closely as football teams study game films. If you believe in something-fight for it. If you back down to please a group of people-it makes you look weak, even to the group you are trying to please. To defeat a repug-use the truth, because they can't!
Repugs didn't win a second term by aiming to please. They don't care. They won by mis-direction, changing the subject, attacking the messenger and fear.
The past 2 elections, we have tried the same "Please Everyone"strategy and it produced the same result each time.
Dems can also be slick and manipulative, I've seen flashes of it! During the debates, in campaign speeches ect.. but when we do it, we throw in the truth-and they can't defeat that. I've listened to many call Michael Moore a nutjob, but what I haven't heard is ANY of those same people PROVE HIM WRONG. We need to embrace people like him-not shun him, just because repugs say he is crazy. Thousands smashed Dixie chicks albums because they spoke out. GUESS WHAT-turned out they were right! What are Dems afraid of? POINT OUT THE FAILURES! Ask why WMD's are not as important as the oil that we secured first! Ask how we are more secure with more porous borders! Ask how trillions of dollars of debt is boosing the economy! MAKE THEM ANSWER THE QUESTIONS!!!!!! OVER AND OVER AGAIN! /rant