That the democratic party is at great peril. The sad thing is that it is in peril not because primarily of republican attack, but from within, with a spineless strategy aimed at who knows what.
While I heartily applauded Senator Boxer for her courageous stand yesterday, it apalled me that while other senators stood and talked about voter disenfranshisement, and voter irregularities - they would not back their flap with their vote. Only Senator Boxer stood, finally in the end protesting Ohio. Only one.
And so, I must ask myself why they would not stand with her. I know it will not change the outcome as republicans control the senate - but why cave in to them? Bush clearly stated he was willing to work with democrats as long as they have the same goals as the GOP....there is no room for compromise with him in power - so why just roll over and play dead??? Seems to me that the one thing the democrats are sorely lacking is the will to fight for the ideals that created the party in the first place. The lack the will to fight for the 57 odd million people who voted for them in the first place....waiting for what?
You see, in my mind it does not matter so much whether or not you win the fight - but to at least be seen as fighting for something you beleive in is more important in the voters eyes than just following along like good little sheep. The system is not working properly. And the only way to bring that to light is to loudly and vociferously fight. What do the dem's have to lose - they are already in the minority - and they sorely need support from everyday voters. If those voters see them as weak, spineless, automatons then why vote for them? They will be seen, in the election cycle as enablers. For they did not battle long and hard enough to voice dissent against a corrupt and criminal administration.
Unless they benefit somehow with Bush being in power.....at which point the corruption is complete and democracy is dead or a weak illusion.
Democrats need to ask some hard questions in the immediate future. For they no longer represent those who voted for them. Being in the minority status is no excuse for not taking a unified stand. It is beyond sad that the green party showed more heroism and strength to force the recount in Ohio in the first place.
Unless there are powers at work here that I am not aware of.......
Thoughts, comments?