I've read many posts since the election by people saying that they intend to leave the country now that Bush has gained a second term.
I understand your fears and concerns. We've come close, once again, to knocking back the Republican/conservative machine. And once again, we haven't come close enough. It's easy to become discouraged when all you have to look forward to is four more years of the same.
But don't give up. And don't leave.
The United States of America is not their country. We are not strangers in a foreign land. The United States of America is our country, and we have done as much to shape it as they have.
We arrived on ships, planes, and trains, looking for the same freedoms they did.
We tilled the land and built the great cities. The labor, toil, and sweat are as much ours as theirs.
We built the government and wrote the laws on which it stands. They are designed to protect us the same as they are designed to protect them.
We shed our blood on foreign battlefields to preserve this nation's freedom. The graves at Arlington, Normandy, and countless others are just as full of liberals, progressives, and Democrats as they are conservatives and Republicans.
You may look at the United States and say, "This is not my country anymore." But it is your country. You and your ancestors built it, and it needs you most when it is under attack from those who seek to degrade it.
So stay. Don't let any Republican take your country from you.