The Republicans just don't get it do they? They use the tired argument that, it was okay for Gonzales to consider the Geneva Conventions non-applicable to terrorists, because they didn't sign the treaty. They also seem to believe, based on their flawed Gonzales logic -- Republican logic -- that our country can torture Al Qaeda suspects. Republicans just don't seem to understand that, it isn't about signing or not signing a treaty, but rather whether or not the United States will cede the moral ground, and itself behave like a terrorist State by torturing anybody whether they are terrorists or not.
That the supposed morals and values Republican Party is incapable of comprehending the magnitude, ignorance and inherent amoral basis of their perspective is astounding and fraudulent. If the United States, tortures people -- terrorists or not -- the nation, by the very act, places itself on the same vile and disgusting level as Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. The United States, by torturing anybody, for any reason immediately loses any moral authority, as it might apply to the global war on terror. By committing even one act of torture, it is no longer possible for the world to see and recognize the difference between America and Al Qaeda
The Republicans excuse making, for Gonzales and the Administrations policy and use of torture is just that -- rationalization, which is just one more example of their ongoing political insanity. An insanity that is resembling, especially at it pertains to morals and values, something akin to collective political Multiple Personality Disorder. They are now the morals and values Party that supports torture, if that isn't insanity or a split personality, what is?
That the Republicans have gone insane can be seen in each of their rationalizations. Whether it is changing House rules, which would allow an indicted felon to remain as a leader; wanting to lower House Ethical Standards then saying they won't, only to make changes that render the ethics standards impossible to enforce; invading Iraq based on lies and then excusing the absence of WMD, as if it were never the basis for the war; trying to bribe House members or justifying torture -- each incident rationalized away, and further proving the diagnosis of political insanity.