Edited on Fri Jan-07-05 03:57 PM by ModRepubinPA
I have noticed that the Republican party has done one thing very well and I am struggling to find a Democratic counterpart. They define the phraseology and hammer away at it relentlessly. I know the media structure for the right wing is deeply entrenched but it doesn’t control everything. Personally, I would like to see some templates on specific hot button issues developed for the following purposes: To write letters to the editor, letters to Representatives/Senators, email templates, talk show call-in guides, etc.
Possible key issues for templating are: Social Security, Tort Reform, Tax code
If someone already knows of this being done and kept up to date, please let me know. I realize DU is a public forum but talking points are for public consumption. A possible DU structure would be: ** Determine scope of project (see exhibit A below as an example) ** Define/discuss issue/assoc Dem phrase, talking pts,quickfacts ** Vote on suggestions for buzzwords/phraseology ** Use poll results (and experienced DU members) to finalize templates (LTTE, Rep/Senate/Gov/other politician letters, talk show call-in guides, etc.) ** Store topic templates in a logical manner for easy access
If we want to be taken seriously, we need to speak in a cohesive, intelligent voice. We need to arm ourselves with the basic facts and speak with civility. But, as recent history has shown, we have to package it correctly. Professional PR and marketing people would be of great value, as would those with political backgrounds and public service. Sometimes, though, the best ideas come from regular people.
Issue Tort Reform Repub phrase Rising medical costs Dem phrase Insurance transformation and oversight Dem talking pts. Open books of insurance companies providing malpractice/health coverage. CEO/COO/CFO salaries published annually in public accessible forum. Quick stats/facts Calif and Texas have tort reform but did not see a decrease in medical costs.
Comments/thoughts/suggestions much appreciated. Thanks.