as do core politics.
Right now we've got a plutocracy in Congress, men who have gotten too used to being overpaid as they schmooze with the ultra rich and are given soft bribes of corporate sponsored junkets to vacation spots no ordinary American can ever hope to afford. They have the best socialized medicine and platinum parachutes and don't have to reach retirement age for their pensions to kick in.
It's time to clean house, get rid of these men who may have started out with good intentions but who have gotten entirely too comfortable with living like sultans at the public's expense, and too disconnected from the public they're pledged to serve as the rich and the corporate have pretty much got their time and attention monopolized.
When you've got such a soft deal, you are loath to jeopardize it, which is why we've got such a lot of spineless old maids in pants in there now. It's why they're accepting DLC guidance on how to be drab, colorless and without conviction. On the other side of the aisle, you have men also starting out with good intentions who have found themselves beholden to Tom Delay for RNC support come reelection time, and we all know what that means.
If you don't have the government you want, it's time to start voting out the men responsible for it, the incumbents. Before you bring up the example of Ted Kennedy, ask yourself what speech he made yesterday when he stood up for our right to vote and have it counted.