As per LBN, here's the link; for the fun assignment for rightwingnuts. All the freeping idiots who have been chanting along with the lying idiot moran rightwingnut pundits about the "scandal" of the UN oil-for-food program, why dontcha go google, and tell me
WHO WAS IN CHARGE of monitoring the OFFP? HINT: No, it was NOT the UN.
Want another hint?
HINT: 661 Committee
-Security Council Resolution 986, which established the oil-for-food program, stipulated that
the 661 committee approve all Iraqi oil sales under the program.And you want another hint?! Greedy buggers.
HINT: U.N. Security Council Resolution 661 a last hint for the really dumb morans: GUESS WHO HAD VETO POWER over ALL sales of Iraqi oil and ALL Iraqi purchases of goods financed with oil-for-food revenues.Now aren't you thankful that in fact there never was any oil-for-food scandal? You won't have to think up excuses for your bush-god!
Rightwingnuts; dumbest MFers on the planet.