Edited on Fri Jan-07-05 11:47 PM by pinto
to a changing world.
The old "stodgy" Republicans of your parents', or your grandparents', day aren't gone. They are still here, white knuckling the helm of the ship of state - "staying the course" - waiting for reality to conform to their outdated charts. Won't happen. No matter what new and improved model they trot out- it won't happen.
Faced with a failed military intervention in Iraq, Republicans have fallen back on their tired mantra. Although Iraq will not blossom into a Republican vision of democracy, free enterprise and corporate profit any time soon, the word is out. "Stay the course".
In doing so, they've undermined our place in the world to promote the democracy they claim to espouse.
Faced with a squandered surplus, the deficit ridden Republicans reiterate. "Stay the course".
In doing so, they have gutted their claim to fiscal responsibility.
Faced with a deepening lack of health care across the American strata, Republicans hold true to their old ways, cutting health care in order to "stay the course".
In doing so, they belie their own propaganda.
Faced with a crisis in education, Republicans respond, like lemmings, to "stay the course".
In doing so, they propose abandoning one key to American progress - public education.
"Staying the course" may be a comfortable and profitable sound bite. It's no way to run a government in the midst of local, national and global change.