Thought he would just be dying to know my views (infinite sarcasm)
I was glad to see that the distributor to your newspaper column has had the guts to cancel your distribution of paid advertisements for the Bush White House. We now know what you are and how much your services cost.
While you might not see anything wrong getting paid to promote propaganda for this administration it was wrong, unethical and completely expected from anyone who supports this administration. The values you support are not surprising, after all, to a "conservative" money is the balm that soothes the soul in all situations which call for journalistic integrity. Your now are in the league of dishonest people who will say and do anything for money to aid this White House. Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter, Carlson have long traded integrity for a right wing agenda and money (one goes hand in hand, apparently). You should enjoy yourself at the monthly meetings of the "Hypocrites of the Airwaves" club.
No Child Left Behind is a misnomer, does not work but is under funded. Even if it possibly could work, it won't because your good friend secretly cut the funding immediately after touting the passage of this program on all prime time news outlets. (If you have any idea how truly terrible this program is why don't you study the NCLB program this guy instituted in Texas as governor?) How about taking your $240,000 and returning it to a program that so desperately needs it if you are so enamored with this oxymoronic governmental boondoggle? Care to 'fess up to what other monies you are receiving from the government for other programs that don't work but needs a talking head to lie to the public? How low does your morality go for the almighty dollar?
In the mean time, I will be embarrassed for you since your brand of Christianity does not include honesty or ethics.