(We're still looking for a name. LOL.)
Several DUers have been working on getting a list of action items together in order to keep our wonderful momentum going. Here is our mission statement:
"The mission of the Election Reform Group is to solicit solid action items and then work at those items in an organized manner to promote election reform to our elected officials, media and every American who votes."
I am now calling on volunteers to be either
a.) a point person for the action category
b.) a volunteer for a particular task.
For example, if you want to be a point person for "branding" our movement with a logo, font colors, etc., you could sign up for that category of work. You would then work with others to get all of the tasks that are needed to brand our movement completed. As we all know there is a lot of work that has to be done to get a movement started.
If you would like to volunteer for this great effort, please send me your email and what you want to volunteer for by:
*PM or
*email at arnheim@domainofarnheim.com or
*the thread linked below
The thread is a bit long, though, so here is the list:
Action Category
*Develop a database for all elected officials - Develop database arnheim
-Link to website for easy access arnheim
-Develop "blaster" for easy use arnheim
*Create fraud packets to mail/FedEx to elected officials -Develop "press" type packets to mail liberal43110, nashville_brook
-Develop multi-media CDs
*Create state-specific fraud packets as well *Create database of all elected officials: -Federal
--GA rigel99
--FL imenja
-Local seabeyond
*Educate the media by using media blasters *Educate the "masses" -Design flyers
-Design strategy for best delivery method
-Distribute flyers to team for distribution
-Infiltrate other non-political boards
*Send BBV book to elected officials -Get permission to use emcguffie
-Give to Duer who is writing up the message for EO
*Send the Conyers report to elected officals *Continue to call, fax, email and write with our concerns Bill Bored, Bill MI
*Develop a calling strategy *Develop a clear and consistent message to deliver to our elected Officials (EO) *Create a "media tree" for the organized distribution of information *Election reform "comics" mordarlar
*Work on cleaning up registration process -Research needs to be done on the rejected ballots
-Research and fix the registration process
-Research into the felon purges: where, when, how
*Expand your network of progressive groups -Get list of progressive groups katinmn, emcguffie
-Distribute list to team members
-Contact other progressive groups re: our mission
*Meet with other progressive groups -Obtain meeting schedules emcguffie
-Publish meeting schedules regularly
*Educate major corporations and businesses (especially the BLUE ones)-Get a list of BLUE businesses
-Develop a marketing pamplet for them
-Distribute to businesses
*Rent a billboard*Take out ads in the newspaper*Write Letters to the Editor *Come up with a "soundtrack" for our movement Pepper32, nashville_brook*Create a blog for our movement *Create a mission statement for DU movement Arnheim
*Thanking/supporting EO who act to support us frictionlessO
*Speaking with local groups & clubs*Work on reframing our message*Organize marches, demonstrations, etc.-Election Reform walks
*Write Reform Law *Call for a special prosecutor McCamy Taylor via her thread
*Develop/retain PR firm*Volunteer to be a Poll Worker *Brand our movement -logo
-color schemes, fonts, etc.
The whole list is in this post:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x262387#268616 Organization is the key. We have the numbers. We have the talent. We have the fire in our hearts. We just need to get together and get organized!