Kucinich Opposes Any Steps Toward Possible Draft
November 8, 2003
As the death toll of US troops in Iraq climbs higher, the following notice has been widely posted on the internet: "Serve Your Community and the Nation : Become a Selective Service System Local Board Member. The Selective Service System wants to hear from men and women in the community who might be willing to serve as members of a local draft board." The notice provides a link to this website:
http://www.sss.gov/fslocal.htmAt Wednesday night's Planned Parenthood forum in New Hampshire, John Kerry, Wesley Clark, and Howard Dean supported requiring 18-year-old women to register for the military draft, as 18-year-old men are now required to do. Here is the transcript:
http://www.plannedparenthood.org/webcast/Pres_Cand_transcript_final.docSchools are now required to turn students' names, addresses, and telephone listings over to military recruiters.
Today Congressman Kucinich released this statement:
"The toll of deaths and injuries to our troops is rising in Iraq. Now it is urgent to oppose the Pentagon's aggressive recruitment of students and to oppose a draft. We should be working to eventually eliminate draft registration for men, not contemplating requiring it of women in the name of fair treatment, and certainly not contemplating implementing it for the sake of the occupation of Iraq or any other 'preemptive' war for corporate profit."
Congressman Kucinich is the only candidate who has produced an exit strategy that would bring all US troops home and turn control of the transition over to the United Nations. The plan is available at:
http://www.kucinich.us/statements.htm#100903 For more information:
http://www.kucinich.us For Rep. Kucinich's Schedule: