Also a little presumptuous of me, but you did ask. --------------------------------------------------- Rita Crowell continues to promote her cause (Letter to the Editor, Jan. 7th) by asserting that “Democrats support the absolute right to kill their children up to the moment of birth for any or no reason.” The Democrats for Life of America, a national organization for pro-life members of the Democratic Party must be a figment of the nation’s imagination. In addition, I and many other Democrats(,) who advocate restrictions on late term abortions(,) must be holograms. Rita’s cause would be better served with (a) respectful honest dialogue that avoids generalizing about large groups of people.
Rita cites the Supreme Court case Doe v. Bolton to support her argument that abortions can be obtained for any reason (irregardless of which) trimester (the mother is in). This assumes the health exception is being used (frivolously) by doctors to secure late term abortions for headaches and splinters. As the Chief Justice noted, such an assumption “discount(s) the reality that the vast majority of physicians observe the standards of their profession, and act only on the basis of carefully deliberated medical judgments relating to life and health.” While I think most doctors are more responsible than that and have the medical license that congress lacks, I agree with Rita to the extent that the government (is obligated to) have a role in regulating any irresponsible use of the health exception (to obtain an abortion) in the last trimester.
Rita also asserts that life begins at conception because a fertilized egg has all of its chromosomes. I think asking when life begins is much like asking who made the clouds. The question itself indicates a misunderstanding. If life begins at conception, why are two reproductive cells needed? It seems to me that life doesn’t begin through reproduction at all, it already (exists). ------------------------------------------------------ Possible changes are in parentheses. I tried to change as little as possible. On the last sentence, I did like the phrase "it already is", and if it was me I would probably change the first part of the sentence to fit, but right now I'm not sure what to. Also I had a teacher who strongly discouraged the use of the word "that".
(sigh) Some things you just can't forget no matter how hard you try...