Before January 6th, DU was full of hysterical posts about getting a Senator to "stand up". When one actually did (much to my amazement...), DU still wasn't happy. True, the outcome wasn't what many on DU were hoping for, but wasn't it still phenomenal that Barbara Boxer signed the letter? That took guts!! (And nobody seems to care, but 10 other Democratic Senators stood up too, adding their voices to her call for election reform.)
I just don't get this tendency on DU to see the glass as half-empty. I assumed Barbara Boxer would be seen as a hero on DU and that everybody here would be falling all over themselves, rushing to do everything they could to support her. There were several posts early on focused on supporting her, but they've since sunk to screen 7 on most discussion categories, buried under an avalanche of internecine squabbling ("Clark sucks, no he doesn't"; DLC candidates suck, no they don't", etc. etc, blah, blah, blah, blah....) It seems to me that 90%+ of the DU posts in the past two days have been about things other than Barbara Boxer.
Here's what I think: I think if we allow Barbara Boxer to be marginalized by the GOP and Fox News, progressivism in this country is dead. I think if we don't stand up for Barbara Boxer and lift her up as the hero she is -- and do everything we can to support her -- then we have no one to blame but ourselves for continued domination by the GOP. I think if we don't help Barbara Boxer and the Democrats in Congress achieve true election reform, then this country is going to hell in a handbasket and NOTHING ELSE YOU SPEND YOUR TIME ON IS GOING TO MATTER.
As I mentioned above, several DUers spent time posting information about how to support Barbara Boxer. I went through the DU pages and posted a message late last night containing a link to every such post I could find. In case you missed it, I'm putting it here: here's a question: Please take a look at the links on my post. Have you done one or more of the things suggested on some of these? (e.g., write e-mails/letters to the media supporting election reform, send Barbara Boxer a postcard expressing your support, get involved in election reform efforts, etc.) If you haven't, in my personal opinion, you shouldn't be spending your time posting "Democrats suck" crap on DU. If you have, however, then by all means, go ahead, vent away...
Someone wrote an interesting response to my post that I ask you to think about. He basically said there are so many issues out there to focus on, the power of the liberal "blogosphere" gets diffused. If attention could be be focused on one issue at a time, however, the liberal blogosphere would be much more effective. My suggestion is this: How about we focus all our efforts on election reform over the next week, doing as many of the things suggested by DUers as we can find time in our busy schedules to do?
One last thought and then I'll get off my soapbox and shut up: "Progressives" begged Barbara Boxer to stand up and do the right thing. She did. No other politician is ever going to listen to progressives again if you don't support her. They will see that progressives are all words and no action, that they urge people to take courageous stands but then let them down when they don't get the pie-in-the-sky outcome they were hoping for.
And with that I will, as promised, shut up.