I've been doing a search based on info from the TalkingPointsMemo site about Williams, the Ketchum firm, held by Omnicom Group and it is fascinating to see how many times the Bush administration has hired PR firms in the past 5 years. Alot of it had to do with promoting the war. If Reid, Kennedy and Lautenberg are serious, they ought to check a few of those out.
http://www.iraqex.com/September 30, 2004
Iraq: Advertising the Best Intentions
Source: O'Dwyer's PR Daily (reg. req'd.), September 30, 2004
The major PR contract for the Multi National Corps-Iraq was awarded to Iraqex, a "business clearinghouse company formed specifically to provide a swath of services in the war-torn country." The Washington DC-based Lincoln Alliance Corporation, a "business 'intelligence' company that handles services from 'political campaign intelligence' to commercial real estate in Iraq," set up Iraqex last year. Iraqex has four Iraq offices, including in Baghdad and Basra. Iraqex will develop video and print publications, purchase TV and radio time, and oversee public affairs and advertising for MNC-I, to ensure "that the Coalition gains widespread Iraqi acceptance of its core themes and messages."