Jr. is just following in his dad's corrupt footsteps ...to market the Iraq war. Read this and weep. You and I have been paying for the Pentagon to spread administration propoganda to take out Iraq, take over Iraq, take out Sadaam, help Chalibi. And it started when Clinton was in office ....
Do you think Reid, Kennedy, Lautenberg and Kerry are already on to this sort of thing and the Williams' outing was just to get the major impeachment ball rolling? The Rendon Group did alot of work in Boston. Guess who lives in Boston???
Just think, we may have paid to market the Iraq War to our own damn selves!!! This is so fucked up....
We need to know about about this group, I think...
This war brought to you by Rendon Group
By Ian Urbina
WASHINGTON - "Word got around the department that I was a good Arabic translator who did a great Saddam imitation," recalls the Harvard grad student. "Eventually, someone phoned me, asking if I wanted to help change the course of Iraq policy."
So twice a week, for US$3,000 a month, the Iraqi student says, under condition of anonymity, that he took a taxi from his campus apartment to a Boston-area recording studio rented by the Rendon Group, a DC-based public relations firm with close ties to the US government. His job: translate and dub spoofed Saddam Hussein speeches and tongue-in-cheek newscasts for broadcast throughout Iraq.
The firm is tight-lipped, however, about its current projects. A spokesperson refuses to say whether Rendon is doing any work in preparation for the potential upcoming invasion of Iraq. But a current Rendon Arabic translator commented, "All I can say is that nothing has changed - the work is still an expensive waste of time, mostly with taxpayer funds." However, Rendon may just prove to be one step ahead of the game. If Saddam is toppled, a Rendon creation is standing by to try to take his place. The Iraqi National Congress (INC), a disparate coalition of Iraqi dissidents touted by the US government as the best hope for an anti-Saddam coup, has gotten the go-ahead from US officials to arm and train a military force for invasion. The INC is one of the few names you'll hear if reporters bother to press government officials on what would come after Saddam.
At the helm of the INC is Ahmed Chalabi, a US-trained mathematician who fled from Jordan in 1989 in the trunk of a car after the collapse of a bank he owned.
"Were it not for Rendon," a State Department official remarked, "the Chalabi group wouldn't even be on the map."