If you have a satellite dish, you'll want to see this. How the regime took 9/11 and used if for their excuse to begin their imperialistic land/resource grab in the middle east. How PNAC originally urged Clinton to take out Saddam, history of the neocons, etc. A MUST SEE if you have Dish Network (channel 9410) or Direct TV (channel 375).
This film contends that a group of Bush Administration insiders used the trauma of the 9/11 terror attacks to transform American foreign policy and shows how the plan was sold to the American public. The documentary places the Bush Administration's justifications for war in Iraq within the larger context of a two-decade struggle by neoconservatives to dramatically increase military spending in the wake of the Cold War, and to expand American power globally by means of military force. The documentary argues that the Bush Administration has sold this controversial plan by deliberately manipulating intelligence, political imagery, and the fears of the American people after 9/11.
"Narrated by Julian Bond, Hijacking Catastrophe features interviews with more than twenty prominent political observers, including Pentagon whistleblower Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski, who witnessed first-hand how the Bush Administration set up a sophisticated propaganda operation to link the anxieties generated by 9/11 to a pre-existing foreign policy agenda that included a preemptive war on Iraq. Joining Kwiatkowski in a wide-ranging, accessible, and ultimately empowering analysis of American foreign policy, media manipulation, and their global and domestic implications, are former Chief UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter, former Pentagon analyst Daniel Ellsberg, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Jody Williams, author Norman Mailer, MIT professor Noam Chomsky, Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin, defense policy analyst William Hartung, author Chalmers Johnson, and Army Special Forces Master Sergeant Stan Goff (Ret.). "
http://www.linktv.org/programming/programDescription.php4?code=hijackLink takes you to further info and opportunity to purchase the film.