Now, before you hit the "delete" key, I think I have a valid question and I think it deserves a thoughtful answer.
You see, I have been a Democrat since I was old enough to vote (a horribly long time now); my Dad was a Democrat, my Granddad was a Democrat. I believe in what the Democratic party has traditionally stood for--but the last couple of elections have left me with some very real doubts about the party.
I was willing to give Clinton's "New Democrat" philosophies and policies a shake because he did a lot of good when he was Governor of Arkansas. If he said we needed to move toward the Center, to concentrate on "electable" candidates, it was worth a try, because it was so obviously working for him.
So the national party got on board with this new theory and began trotting out "electable candidates." This brings up my first question:
How come these candidates have not been getting elected? Is it because the Republicans are, as y'all have been saying for a good few years now, "better at getting their message out?" Or is it because our centrist message is a pig with lipstick?
My second question: Where was the DNC when Howard Dean was getting assassinated in the Liberal Media? I don't recall hearing a whimper from you. Please advise me of the steps you took to counter the scurrilous attack-coverage that Dr. Dean got on TV; I fear I missed it. But it seems passing strange that the unquestioned front-runner and champeen money-raiser should go down so quickly.
Now for the Big One: What about the possibility of FRAUD in this latest election? And the one before that and the one before that? Why did the party seem to NOT want Senator Boxer to rise? And what about the general spinelessness among (dare I say it?) the WHITE Democrats when it came to asking a legitimate question?
Here's my dilemma: these elections look and smell like they were stolen, yet your message is that we have to have faith in the Process, that you will not even question whether it has been subverted. But if I trust the Process, that leaves me with the obvious fact that John Kerry was NOT ELECTABLE.
So what course remains for me? Keep throwing my vote to a party that won't even ADMIT to the possibility of election fraud? Or keep voting for "electable" candidates who have no chance of winning?
Please talk some sense to me before I join the Greens.
Very Truly Yours,
:freak: dbt