...statement by Chris Matthews in during last Thursday nite's interview with Al Franken on "Hardball"
Is Chris Matthews a "ditto head"?
I never could quite put my finger on why this guy was such a jerk. I started out thinking he was generally tolerable, but now I'm getting to the point that I can't stomach him. Why do I watch? You know how it is if you watch this crap.....you watch because you want to see just how bad it can get.
As he talks over his guests, attempting to look thoughtful by purposefully looking in a series of set directions every 5 seconds, first at 4 o'clock direction, then 10 o'clock, then 2 o'clock....spitting out words to the point that his lips actually appear to be a sequence of bursting bladders.....then the child like smiles and laughter that we're all supposed to think is genuine....he really does represent just how superficial and inept political commentary can get.
First off, there's nothing tough about this guy. He brings nothing to the table in terms of provoking any serious thought. As a matter of fact, you can almost guarantee that he'll be your tour guide to make sure you avoid those treacherous waters. Now we find he's friends with Limbaugh. I'm detested by the whole thing. God knows what advice he may have gotten from Limbaugh and just how warped this guy might be.
At first I was curious to see if he might actually be an intellect...one who has the guts not to sell out to the freeper mob. There were signs here and there that he might even be unbiased. He seems to do his homework, seems to be quick on his feet, appears to be pushing for answers. But it's all fluff. I'm getting to the point where the only shows I can sit down and watch without thinking I'm watching a cheap infomercial are Countdown and the McLaughlin Report. I have a whole new level of respect for McLaughlin after 911. A true intellect that sees things the way they are and can think effective outside the maddening crowd.
This interview with Franken was just one of a number of revealing events for Matthews. Here's Franken giving of himself to go and do shows for the troops and basically all Matthews has to say is, "I wonder how they can appreciate your show knowing that you're a liberal". Later in the interview he almost couldn't handle Franken sticking in his face the fact that Limbaugh lies...yeah...consistently. He became completely inept at that point, stuttering that he doubted Franken could actually look at his material and make such a conclusion.
In my opinion he originally defined and revealed himself during an interview with Ron Reagan (son) when Ron made some idle harmless tongue in cheek comment (wish I could remember the exact context and verbiage, but it was something like, "no, not unless the President was drinking") and Matthews almost lost it, making sure that they quickly defined at that moment that they weren't "officially" accusing the President of drinking. He even went so far as to make it sound as if he was making a clear disclaimer directly into the monitor so that he didn't risk hurting any of his freeper buddies.